Thursday, August 17, 2017

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15 outstanding father's day portrait photography ideas to try this year

father's day portrait photography ideas

Are you scrambling to find the perfect gift to celebrate this Father's Day? If you have a camera, you have got the makings of a wonderful surprise for Father's Day gift. Take one spectacular photo that he will cherish for a lifetime as the right photo says more than any store-bought gift or last minute craft. Here are 15 outstanding Father's Day portrait photography ideas to try this year.

1) Generations:

One of the outstanding father's photos is of grandfather and father. Having generation of the same smile, eyes, nose, or chin is a treasured keepsake.

generation photos

2) Caught in the act:

Caught in the act captures a moment that will be treasured by you and your father the most. In 15 years when you think back about Father's Day, you won't remember the cake, who was there but you will remember the gorgeous images that captured your day. Why not capture the inner youth of both of you with a photo that will last for years.

bird watching

3) Change in Scenery

A change in scenery is sometimes what matters the most. Forget boring photos in the living room couch or outside the house. Go out to seek beautiful sceneries with mountains, lakes, flowers, meadow, winds and all to take exquisite father and child photos.

father's day fishing

4) Form a triangle:

Triangular shapes are especially pleasing to the eye as they create a sense of harmony and unity. The photographs captured in triangular shape will surely end up framed and on display for friends and family to compliment you on your inspirational Father's Day portrait idea.

caught in the act

5) Show your silly side:

If you are going for a photo where you look like you just don't care how you look, go for it. Generally, poking your tongue out, making big eyes, pulling a face, pouting etc. looks silly and captures the goofy side for a picture that your dad will treasure. 

6) Photo Editing:

The wide capabilities of software like Photoshop makes the photo creative and inspirational. It can create any effect you ask of, but you have to know what you want. The transparent picture of three generations is a true masterpiece and a great way to capture the past, present, and future. 

7) Father and son attitude:

At times, father and son feel competitive against one another. Capture these moments to create memorable photos and cool shots.

father and son attitude

8) Lie down and look up:

Family portraits generally all look the same. But the whole family all lying down and looking up image captures the essence of your family. Such images are the ones your father will love the most.

family portrait photography

9) Age doesn't matter:

Do not concern yourself with what others think at all. Because his kids are no longer small that doesn't mean he doesn't want to take pictures with them. Just enjoy the time with your father and take great images for Father’s Day.

father daughter dancing

10) Get the same level:

Having a few good photos with dad and your family is a treasure most of us. These images show your dad's love for his family, personalities of each family member and most importantly, they bring to life memories of loved ones who have passed away.

same level family photography

11) Embrace the chaos:

Chaos won't last forever, so embrace it and capture those in-between moment of madness. Enjoy the images and have a good laugh.

embracing chaos family photography

12) Same expressive eyes:

If you or other members in the family have their father's eyes, capture them. 

same expressive eyes

13) Stand close together:

Stand close together with your dad which will emit a feeling of warmth and closeness with one another.Make jokes to get genuine smiles and capture the perfect shot.
standing close together photography

14) Match the colour scheme:

Choose a proper location for your image. Whether you are inside or outside, it will affect the lighting. Lighting is the key to how your pictures will come out. Match the photo with background, so the colours does not clash too much. Speaking of colours, the whole family can colour coordinate for the perfect family photo.

matching scheme color photography

15) Be relaxed and find the good pose for everyone:

The photo is supposed to represent your dad, not a bunch of random people. So, think about everyone’s height. Taller members of the family have to sit and get the shorter ones to stand. If everyone is standing, make sure everyone's heads are level. Mix and match who is standing where, but once you find a good position, stick with it and throw on your best smile.

family good pose photography

The key to an outstanding Father's Day shoot is to give good direction, keep everyone engaged, maintain the flow of energy, manage everyone's expectation and prepare to shoot above all. And it will surely be a gift your dad treasures for years to come. For professional portrait photography contact Louise Bagger Photography via email at or via phone at 0412 055 668.


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