Wednesday, January 3, 2018

5 event photography tips to take Candids at your next event

4:07 PM Unknown

Nowadays candid style of photography is being popular. Besides, taking the candid shots in an event can be tricky and are quite different ballgame than other types of photography because bringing a camera into a scene automatically changes people’s behaviours. So it becomes hard to get good, honest, candid moments. The challenges that come with the event photography whether that means capturing a night party, a wedding, a musical party or a conference can be challenging. Below are the 5 event photography tips to help a photographer improve their candid photography.

Look for the moment

Event photography is all about capturing the moment. This is the time you will find people are laughing, enjoying and engaging each other. Capturing these moments is what makes for the great photos that everyone loves to see it. For special moments in events, you will need to be prepared well in advance and have everything set up so you don’t miss the shot. Also, try to look for the individual moment in a sea of faces. Find the people who look animated and zoom in for close-ups. And don’t forget to shot the wide variety of people and setups. 

Look for the moment to take candid
A moment to be captured

Be quick

While taking any kind of shots timing is everything and it’s very important to be quick. The candid shots of people will only work if they don’t notice you pointing the lens at them. This is especially true in environments where people are aware that there’s someone taking photos. So, you need to be quick while taking candid shots. And try not to worry if you miss the shot, just move on and try to capture it later. Another good tip is to use live view on your camera if possible which lifts the shutter up before the photo is taken, reducing the sound of the exposure.

Use a long lens

The best way to take candid shots without making people feel self-conscious is by using long or zoom lens. It helps to keep a good distance from your subject, making it so that they don’t even realise you are taking a photo. You will capture shots as if you are right next to them. The next benefit of using a long lens is it throws the background out of focus making your subject target.

Long lens
Long Lens

Avoid flash

Don’t kill the relaxed mood and joyful moment with the bright and startling flash. Using a flash can unflattering shadows and emphasise paler skin tones giving visitors a washed out, pale appearance. Besides, if everyone is watching for flash then they are not giving you many opportunities for the candid image. If you are aiming for candid shots try to photograph without the flash. You can also increase your ISO setting or widen aperture. By doing this you will be able to take well exposed photos in low light conditions. You can achieve a shallow depth of field and focus more precisely on your subject rather than on its surroundings.

Keep moving and use burst mode

A scene or facial expressions can change in the blink of the eye. The most effective way to get the finest photo is by shooting in a continuous high mode known as burst mode. By using continuous mode or shooting in bursts increase your chance of getting the perfect shots as well as some amasing shots along the way. If you think something great or worthy is about to happen, use burst mode to ensure you capture the best moment. You are the one who has to move to get the angle you want. So, do whatever you need to do, try different angles and prospective, zoom in or take a wide for your best candid shots.

For more ideas and tips to take candid shots for your next event, Louise Bagger Photography will help you decide what makes powerful candid. 

Sunday, December 3, 2017

How to take better Christmas Card photos

4:47 PM Unknown
How to take better Christmas Card photos

Do you send photo Christmas cards out each year and want to take better ones this year. Well, Christmas is a popular time of the year for sending and receiving greeting cards some with photos of your friends and family. For holiday cards everybody wants a current photo to be used.
Here are some tips on how to take better Christmas card photos.

Plan ahead :

Plan your shots long before you gather the family together. List the details about the kind of pictures you want to shoot. Put some thought into what you will wear, whether you want to use props or not, where the shots will be taken and what poses you will use. Make a list of poses you would like to take.

Coordinate but don't match :

Coordinate outfits but don't match it. Focus on coordinating a color palette or picking a specific clothing style. Take into consideration  the  background colour that you want to use. For example, don't wear blue if you are taking the shots outdoors with a blue sky as your background.

Christmas Family Photoshoot
Christmas Family Photoshoot

Take plenty of shots :

Take as many shots as possible to get the ideal Christmas card photo. Zoom in and take close-ups and zoom out for panoramic shots. Try shooting from different angles for different looks and use different lenses if you have them. The more pictures you take, the more choices you will have when picking the perfect picture. That means shoot till you drop!

Choose a location :

Choose and set up your location. If your option is to have your family pictures taken by the fireplace, make  look festive. If taking macro shots of your festive decorations prepare the area. Take a series of candid shots of your children doing activities, such as decorating the tree, building a snowman or baking cookies. Pay attention to the background especially if it is a Christmas theme.

Christmas Ornament
Kid christmas holiday

Pay attention to lighting :

When technical aspects come into play, use natural light if you are taking pictures outdoors. Pay close attention to odd shadows and streaks of light that can filter through trees or buildings. The best time for outdoor photos with minimal shade is one hour after sunrise or one hour before sunset. For indoor home lighting plan to use your flash or bounce the flash for a more diffused lighting affect. Avoid direct sunlight coming  through the window. Make adjustments using your shutter speed so you can capture that ideal and dramatic Christmas photo.

Use a Christmas ornament :

Christmas tree ornaments can be an unexpected way to illustrate the magic of the season. Take several shots of the family grouped together in front of a reflective bulb. Before you take the photo, pay attention to any distractions behind your subjects. 

Christmas Ornament
Christmas Ornament

Play around :

Once you are ready to take photos, don't be restricted with a single frame in mind. Whether you are using your phone's camera or a DSLR camera, its essential to become familiar with your camera's settings. Use as much natural light as possible. Experiment with shutter speeds, aperture settings and ISO levels. When taking photos of a large group of people adjust your focus so everyone comes out clear.

Choosing your Christmas cards :

The choice of Christmas cards will depend on your budget and how many people you intend to send a card to. As a general rule when sending cards, start with your immediate family, then close friends and nearer relatives, then not so close friends, business associates and clients, then acquaintances or anyone else you know.  Its advisable to use a good quality photo for your Christmas card.

Christmas Ornament
Christmas Cards

For more ideas and information, please call  Louise Bagger Photography on 0412 055 668 or by mailing at

Thursday, November 30, 2017

10 things to photograph this Christmas

7:54 PM Unknown

Christmas is almost here and it is one the best times of the year to take photographs. It is an energetic and exciting time to take pictures for a variety of reasons.

Here are 10 great Christmas photography ideas for you to try over the holidays.

Capture the preparation stages

The Christmas party or celebration presents many photographic opportunities, particularly during the preparation stages. It can be food preparation, decorating the Christmas tree, hanging Christmas lights and other decorations or packing for a holiday are all excellent moments to capture on camera. Often photos taken before the event are better as everything is well displayed and creates the wonderful ambiance of Christmas. 

Hanging Christmas lights
Hanging Christmas lights 

Group photos

Group photos are popular. Have everyone gather around the Christmas tree and have them hold some presents. Use a tripod for a group photo so you can be in it. 

Christmas Group Photo
Christmas Group Photo

Christmas lights

Christmas lights and decorations are featured in many Christmas photographs although this can be tricky to do. Create words, shapes, pictures and analyse the light source carefully. Don't be afraid to experiment. Use the blurred or soft focus as an alternative. Having a tripod prevents many unnecessary errors.

Christmas Light
Christmas Light


There is a limitless number of photographic opportunities in your neighborhood during the Christmas period. Many houses and shops are covered with Christmas decorations and shopping malls are busier than normal. So take your camera and start taking many pictures.
Christmas decorations and shopping malls
Christmas Decoration

Opening gifts

Focus on people's faces as they open their gifts with a view to capture their array of emotions, facial expressions, and excitement. Switch your camera to burst mode and take a series of shots, capture everything from the eagerness of getting the wrapped gift, through to the excitement of unwrapping to the joy of seeing what's inside. Also look around and shoot the reactions of those who gave the gift.
Christmas Gift
Christmas Gift

Express relationship

Holidays are a good time to highlight the importance of relationships. As you are more relaxed, the stress, hassle and pressure from the passing year can be forgotten as they spend time more time with family. It’s a chance to capture photographs that define emotional moments.  Urge them to pose together, preferably standing enable you to capture the bond between them. 

Fill your frame

Stay close to your subjects to clearly define their faces. Fill your frame with your subject either by using your zoom or and moving in closer. This will inevitably result in the photo having a greater impact on the viewer.

Festive food

During Christmas, there will be many opportunities to capture the colorful festive food that's on offer. Food photography can be great fun for the photographer especially those who love food. Use natural light and a reflector for the best results. Reflectors enable natural light to bounce onto subjects to bring out detail from shadowed areas. Reflectors come in a variety of colors.  The main food items should be the centre of attraction and focus sharp.
christmas cuisine
Christmas Cuisine


Holidays are the time when family and friends gather together. Capture shots preferably during an animated moment while they are having a discussion amongst themselves.

Composition, Background and Bokeh

While photographing, composition is crucial to attain an image that has impact. Endeavour to be creative with your photographs. Frame your pictures differently and take the same picture from different angles. Occasionally position yourself so there are no messy backgrounds behind your subjects. If you see a better background with better light, ask your subjects to move around when taking pictures. Bokeh makes photographs visually appealing, forcing us to focus our attention on a particular area of the image.  It is the perfect project to acquire while having the carefree holiday spirit and then making home-made cards for friends and family using some of your photographs. 

Become familiar with your camera prior to Christmas and know what your camera can do. If you would like to hire an expert photographer for this Christmas in Adelaide, contact Louise Bagger Photography – phone  0412 055 668 or by emailing  

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Why is everyone talking about Louise Bagger Photography?

6:17 PM Unknown

Louise Bagger is a professional wedding photographer in Adelaide committed to making your photo shoot experience fun-filled and exciting one. Louise Bagger ensures to capture all your special moments letting your photos tell your story. Here are some of the outstanding reasons why everyone is talking about Louise bagger Photography in Adelaide.

Creative Images 

Putting the "Wow" into your photographs, and the creative ability to produce a story telling photographs is the foundation of a successful photography business. Nothing is more important than creative development and Louise Bagger photography produces rich, creative images that meet high standards. Louise Bagger enable people to celebrate who they are and share that happiness with loved ones while capturing those precious moments. With a various pattern of photography options available, you will have a fantastic experience throughout your events or celebration day and will receive a collection of creative, beautiful, natural professionally treated photographs. 

Experience and qualified 

Technically, Louise Bagger Photography is qualified and have high reputations. Highly experience in dealing with the jumble of people, modified equipment, and crazy logistics. The photographer here have the ability to make a technically perfect image. She will be able to expand upon your ideas and provide suggestions and expertise. But more important than experience and qualifications her works are the things or clients say when they see their finished results.

Add brand consistency and recognition

Louise Bagger not only helps you successfully tell a story and engage with the audience but create alignment across your brand. Images capture the imagination and help to understand context without having to read a lot of text.  Through techniques like unique camera angles, consistent color themes or objects places within the images, Louise Bagger photography can create brand recognition in everything from print ads and promotional products to social media channels and your website. People instantly recognise your brand by an image alone.

Reflect the quality

Louise Bagger's quality images give customers the impression that you take it work seriously. These days everyone has a camera phone, but that does not mean everyone is a professional photographer. While taking pictures of your products, people or places, professional photographers bring crucial experience to understanding your unique attributes and translating them into compelling imagery. Her photographer converts your brand into a visual story, allowing customers to make an emotional connection with you and your business.


Photography is one of the most important decisions, you will make when it comes to capturing your wedding, event, corporate, fashion or celebration. It will be the most significant way, you will preserve your day and Louise Bagger Photography is a trusted name you can rely on to capture and preserve your memories for ever.  Her attention to detail and focus on customer service, allows you to truly enjoy your events.  


Using professional, high quality and relevant photos will help your product and service stand out among the competition and will impress current and potential client. And the photographer at Louise Bagger is highly skilled artist and professional that perfectly capture every heartfelt look and everlasting embrace. She appreciate and replicate every beautiful relationship. She efficiently direct and frame gorgeous shots, while also attend to client requests. She provides an extremely personal and attentive service.  While working with her you will find that you are working with a professional whose status has been formally validated and recognised. 

Louise Bagger Photography experiences can be bought as a unique gift for your family, loved ones and friends so everyone can enjoy a day to remember with photographs that last a lifetime. If you want to make sure you choose a trusted and professional photographer, please take a look at her galleries or contact Louise Bagger Photography via email at and via phone at 0412 055 668 and make sure you choose the best photographer in Adelaide.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Top 10 Things a photographer considers to be a mistake in their profession

6:11 PM Unknown

Top 10 Things a photographer considers to be a mistake in their profession

Many photographers at some point of their journeys have considered or decided to make their passion a career. They have decided to become a professional photographer. And it seems that many photographers go through a certain cycle of mistakes and errors during their photography journeys. Even so, it's important to realise that most accomplished professional photographers make mistakes. Some of them are so common and widespread that they don't even realise they are making them.

Here are 10 things a photographer considers to be a mistake in their profession.

1. Afraid to experiment

Professionals worry and are afraid that, they will waste a golden opportunity to photograph something they have always wanted to shoot by taking a risk. Listen to your heart, especially when it's telling you to give something exciting a try.

2. Copying others

Develop your own style and perfect it. And your style and skills are what potential clients will hire you for. Why don't you offer a unique and fresh style and set yourself apart from the rest of the pack?

3. Overestimate skills

Be confident in your skills and feel that you are ready to work with any clients. Take time to prepare and be ready of how to pose, direct and manage paying customers in the type of photography you choose to specialise. Go at your own pace and don't jump right into the professional photography without being ready.

4. Not learning business aspect of photography

Take your time to learn and practice how to budget, how to track and calculate your expenses and profit. Only knowing how to take amazing photographs doesn't mean you will be profitable, you also need to learn how to sustain your business. 

5. Improper pricing structure

Set up sound pricing from the very beginning instead of lowering the price and later hoping to raise the price. When many new entrants enter into the professional photography, they try to undercut everyone to get more clients and then hope to raise their prices later. It sounds logical but you will get the clients who are bottom fishing for the cheapest photographer and not for the image quality or style you offer. And later when you decide to raise the price, all of these clients and their referrals would swing to the next photographer who currently offers the lowest prices. As well you will not appeal to the clients who perceive price as quality and they will not consider you.

6. Weak Portfolio

It is important to build a strong portfolio with quality and well crafted images. Photography portfolio is the best sales force you would ever have. Your photography portfolio is the first thing your client will ask to see and it is the showcase of your past work, skills, and style. So, consider time for photos assignments, discounted services for building your portfolio etc. 

7. Fear to make mistakes and upgrade skills

You will not be the perfect photographer from first day but if you continue to do what you decided to do, you will surely be. You will grow overtime and your skills and images will improve, so accept it. Make your learning step go forward and improve everyday by learning from mistakes. Your photography skills will improve as you learn from your mistakes while exploring the world around you.

8. Trying to focus on everything

Try to specialise in the type of photography you would like to do in a long-term. You will have limited time to establish yourself and build the skills required to excel into your niche. In addition, you will network with people who share the same interest and will be able to learn from them if you start with the right style from the very beginning. Trying to do everything for everyone will make you an average photographer in many areas, not one of the best photographers in one area. 

9. Poor workflow

Consider all the administrative tasks from booking to arranging a session, to shooting and post-processing your images. You will not have enough time to learn and offer services at the same time, or will not have adequate time. Take your time to learn these before starting to work with clients. You may find it easy but it's not. You will be spending no more than 20% of your time shooting and the rest of the time would be looking for clients, messaging and arranging sessions. So consider all the administrative tasks to perfect your workflow.

10. Not treating business seriously

Just because you have a website, great portfolio and professional gear, it doesn't mean the clients will die to hire you. You need to be committed to your clients, willing to go an extra mile to find, to excite and book them. You need to prove yourself to every client and try to win their business.

Once you consider these mistakes, you will fall in love with your profession and start upgrading your skills. For more information contact Louise Bagger Photography via email at and via phone at 0412 055 668.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Best father's day gifts for the photographer dad

7:34 PM Unknown

Best father's day gift for photographer dad

Father's day is almost here and it's time to celebrate. If you are not sure as to what to gift your photographer dad, or one who just loves photography, then we have the list for perfect gifts to give him. Let's check it out.

1. Camera

For a dad who loves Camera Lens,  you might consider gifting him a camera which he can take on his adventures and photograph the journey. DSLR is the top choice for professional as well as amateur photographers. Its high-quality image sensors, unrivaled range of additional lenses and other accessories make it the best option for seriously getting into photography. These days every model from Canon and Nikon are pretty affordable.

DSLR Camera

 2. Camera bag

Gift your dad a new bag to carry his camera and photography equipment. You can find a number of different bags in the market. However, leather messenger bag is always a stylish choice and durable. This bag will allow him to keep his camera with him all the time, and feels very comfortable to carry on long trips.

camera blog
leather messenger bag

3. Custom camera strap

You can also get him a custom camera strap. It’s a camera harness that can hold a camera. A neck strap is a great and practical option.
camera strap
custom camera strap

4. Tripod

Tripod can be a lifesaver when he has to get that long exposure night time shot.It is an awesome tool to make sure he gets the perfect shot, no matter the condition or location. Travel tripod weighs less and camera can be attached to the base of the handle in several ways allowing for more flexibility.

camera tripod
Travel tripod

5. External hard drive

An external hard drive to back up all his photographs is a great gift. Since there is nothing worse than to lose his photos. That’s why backing up photos is really important and external drive is a great way to transfer pictures, videos and other media files safely for future use. External hard drives are now available at quite reasonable prices these days.
External Hard disk
External hard drive
6. Lens
A high quality camera lens will make a significant improvement to the image’s quality. Find lens that suits his style of photograph. Prime lenses work well for the portrait and street photographer, wide-angle lenses are best for landscape and architecture photography while telephoto lenses are ideal for live action sports and wildlife shots.

Camera Lens
Camera lens

7. Photo book 
Create a printed photo book with 'World's Greatest Dad' on the front to showcase his works. Fill it up with photos of you, him and family members as well as some of his finest images taken. Inspire him with the stunning photos.

photo book
Printed photo book 

It's easy to make Father's Day special by simply showing you care. And Father's Day is always a good time to update your dad's photography kit. Whether you choose to celebrate Father's Day by sending your dad a gift or greeting card, the important thing is to let him know just how much he means to you and how much you love him.

Lastly, a great gift idea may be is to take his photographs instead of him taking one. So if you need help in this area, contact Louise Bagger Photography via email at or via phone at 0412 055 668.


Thursday, August 17, 2017

15 outstanding father's day portrait photography ideas to try this year

3:29 PM Unknown
father's day portrait photography ideas

Are you scrambling to find the perfect gift to celebrate this Father's Day? If you have a camera, you have got the makings of a wonderful surprise for Father's Day gift. Take one spectacular photo that he will cherish for a lifetime as the right photo says more than any store-bought gift or last minute craft. Here are 15 outstanding Father's Day portrait photography ideas to try this year.

1) Generations:

One of the outstanding father's photos is of grandfather and father. Having generation of the same smile, eyes, nose, or chin is a treasured keepsake.

generation photos

2) Caught in the act:

Caught in the act captures a moment that will be treasured by you and your father the most. In 15 years when you think back about Father's Day, you won't remember the cake, who was there but you will remember the gorgeous images that captured your day. Why not capture the inner youth of both of you with a photo that will last for years.

bird watching

3) Change in Scenery

A change in scenery is sometimes what matters the most. Forget boring photos in the living room couch or outside the house. Go out to seek beautiful sceneries with mountains, lakes, flowers, meadow, winds and all to take exquisite father and child photos.

father's day fishing

4) Form a triangle:

Triangular shapes are especially pleasing to the eye as they create a sense of harmony and unity. The photographs captured in triangular shape will surely end up framed and on display for friends and family to compliment you on your inspirational Father's Day portrait idea.

caught in the act

5) Show your silly side:

If you are going for a photo where you look like you just don't care how you look, go for it. Generally, poking your tongue out, making big eyes, pulling a face, pouting etc. looks silly and captures the goofy side for a picture that your dad will treasure. 

6) Photo Editing:

The wide capabilities of software like Photoshop makes the photo creative and inspirational. It can create any effect you ask of, but you have to know what you want. The transparent picture of three generations is a true masterpiece and a great way to capture the past, present, and future. 

7) Father and son attitude:

At times, father and son feel competitive against one another. Capture these moments to create memorable photos and cool shots.

father and son attitude

8) Lie down and look up:

Family portraits generally all look the same. But the whole family all lying down and looking up image captures the essence of your family. Such images are the ones your father will love the most.

family portrait photography

9) Age doesn't matter:

Do not concern yourself with what others think at all. Because his kids are no longer small that doesn't mean he doesn't want to take pictures with them. Just enjoy the time with your father and take great images for Father’s Day.

father daughter dancing

10) Get the same level:

Having a few good photos with dad and your family is a treasure most of us. These images show your dad's love for his family, personalities of each family member and most importantly, they bring to life memories of loved ones who have passed away.

same level family photography

11) Embrace the chaos:

Chaos won't last forever, so embrace it and capture those in-between moment of madness. Enjoy the images and have a good laugh.

embracing chaos family photography

12) Same expressive eyes:

If you or other members in the family have their father's eyes, capture them. 

same expressive eyes

13) Stand close together:

Stand close together with your dad which will emit a feeling of warmth and closeness with one another.Make jokes to get genuine smiles and capture the perfect shot.
standing close together photography

14) Match the colour scheme:

Choose a proper location for your image. Whether you are inside or outside, it will affect the lighting. Lighting is the key to how your pictures will come out. Match the photo with background, so the colours does not clash too much. Speaking of colours, the whole family can colour coordinate for the perfect family photo.

matching scheme color photography

15) Be relaxed and find the good pose for everyone:

The photo is supposed to represent your dad, not a bunch of random people. So, think about everyone’s height. Taller members of the family have to sit and get the shorter ones to stand. If everyone is standing, make sure everyone's heads are level. Mix and match who is standing where, but once you find a good position, stick with it and throw on your best smile.

family good pose photography

The key to an outstanding Father's Day shoot is to give good direction, keep everyone engaged, maintain the flow of energy, manage everyone's expectation and prepare to shoot above all. And it will surely be a gift your dad treasures for years to come. For professional portrait photography contact Louise Bagger Photography via email at or via phone at 0412 055 668.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Adelaide Wedding Photography: How to make your wedding album memorable

1:15 PM Unknown
Wedding memories are cherished by all married couples.Wedding photographs capture those memories and when you look at your wedding album, it brings back those nostalgic moments and makes you want to relive it one more time.

make memorable wedding photo

If you want your wedding pictures to be good, you need a experienced and professional wedding photographer. You can then rest assured the photographer will take all great images filled with fond memories. And when it comes to creating a beautiful wedding album, you need to consider the following things beforehand.

1) Pick images from your gallery: 

emotional women

Think of your wedding album as an emotional record. The best albums are collections of your favorite pictures, so pick photos you love the most. See if the photographs captured the feel, the excitement and the emotion of that moment instead of getting concerned with technically good images.

2) The perfect selection:
happy wedding couple

The only hard part is selecting your favorite images for the album. We know, it's a good problem to have, but it's still a challenge. It can take a lot of time to figure out the best way to go about this. So let us save you the headache. Pick photos that you love instead of pictures you think will appeal to others.It is important that the images you select are at least partly decent but if you made use of a professional photographer, this shouldn't be an issue.

3) The final selections:

Keep everything in a folder along with a selection of your final inspiration images and think of your album as a visual story. Also, think about the absolute most important people and things that you want to highlight in your story. Anything that doesn't immediately make the cut, remove from the gallery. Be sure to discuss with your partner while selecting the photos you want in the album so that there is no misunderstanding. Remember it's your wedding album, your memories and you want to tell the story of your special day.

4) Design/ Layout: 

Once you have completed the selection process, begin creating a custom layout. While the images are perfectly ready to decorate your wedding album, it is important that you do not overdo it. Too many frills can quickly create a mess and this can steal the beauty of your photographs. Keep it simple! From start to end, try placing your selected photos in chronological order. Not only does this contribute to flow and continuity, it also makes the album interesting and makes for easier recollection of day in its entirety.

5) Share it and treasure:

happy familyA memory box is a treasure trove that will allow you to relive every special moment of your wedding. So, start putting together your treasure box and you will save every detail that will help you remember your wedding day clearly. If you are planning to share bits and pieces on social media, these little treasures also make for the perfect behind the scenes post as you lead up to the big day. It will add to the blissfulness of wedding memory and make the couple feel blessed all their life. Your children will be able to understand the love and relation between their parents and will be more influenced by it. It also serves as an opportunity for the kids to witness their parent’s wedding with the help of the wedding album

  • Try to keep it away from the little toddlers. 
  • Make sure that you do not have direct sunlight contact with it.

Finally there is always the option of letting your photographer do a great job of it if you aren’t up for it. 
Need a creative, talented and experienced wedding photographer for your BIG day? Contact Louise Bagger. Call 0412055668 or mail at

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